3. Accredited translation addressed to government institutions and various ministries
Real Estate Registration and Notarization Department - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Supreme Council of Universities and Public and Private Universities - Arabic Language Academy - Public Authority for Books - Ministry of Culture.
Champollion has a team of interpreters, as it provides a high-quality interpretation service for conferences, meetings, companies and factories. The interpretation team is characterized by competence, experience, professionalism, good appearance, high ethics, and extensive culture.

- International conferences
- trade negotiations
- scientific seminars
- business accompaniment to the Investment Authority
- the establishment of companies
- trade exhibitions
Localization of programs, websites and multimedia.
– Champollion provides a wide range of services to many institutions, including the localization of e-learning materials and the localization of e-commerce sites. In the present era,
-Internet becomes the most effective way to market products and services around the world. As local product marketing is limited to the environment in which we live. Hence the importance of translating all products and after sales information to reach targeted customers around the world and be able to understand and respond to them.
-Recognizing this importance, Champollion as a translation and localization agency in Egypt offers the best translation services for websites, software, applications and solutions in different languages. Therefore, your potential customers in different foreign markets can receive your offers as if they were delivered in their native language to keep up with the global market.